Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Hunt

Not for eggs but for little microcaches. In lieu of the traditional Easter egg hunt, Mrs. Death and I went out and about town geocaching this afternoon. Found five in fairly short order, signed the logs, and re-hid 'em; only a thousand or so left to go in town. Today, the neatest one was in Green Hill Cemetery, a very old graveyard with loads of character. And no, the cache was not in a grave; no one wants to have their cache muggled by a corpse.

Pounded out a short-short tale this afternoon that I've been mulling over for a few days. Had an idea that was almost coming together, and today it finally did. Done, submitted, and fingers X'd.

This is the first Easter in I don't know how many years—probably since I lived in Chicago in the 80s—that the whole family didn't get together for at least the day. Circumstances conspired to keep us apart this year, but I did get to see my mom and brother (and find geocaches) last weekend. That was nice.

The grass got high this weekend. I foresee mowing in the nearest of futures...