Friday, November 27, 2009

A Beastly Feast

Over the past year or so, I've managed to lose about twenty pounds, and I'm all the better for it, though yesterday, I think I put about half of that right back on. Lots and lots of giant turkey buzzard. Hooooo! What a feast!

Conditions on the home front have say the least...odd and stressful for some time now, and this was the first Thanksgiving in living memory that I haven't looked forward to with a lot of joy. Happily, this was a case of the pre-holiday anxiety far exceeding the actual event, as it proved to be relaxing and fulfilling—and not just food-wise. Got in some excellent caching yesterday morning, then gathered with the family and some friends for the afternoon feast. And having today off from work...well...that makes me happy too.

The month ahead should prove interesting, to say the least, but maybe it won't be beastly.