It's been a very full weekend of writing, geocaching, writing, reading, watching a bit of Twin Peaks, and writing. My new tale, "The War Lords of Leng," which is for an Asian-themed Cthulhu Mythos anthology, is far enough along to see a light at the end, but there's yet a fair ways to go before giving the glad hand to the fat lady. I do hope to have it finished up no later than Thanksgiving.
Found geocache #3,000 yesterday, while out on a run through Kernersville with the young whippersnappers from next door. Quite an enjoyable day of it, and then dinner with them and friend Kim at Don Juan's — surely, the best Mexican restaurant north of the Rio Grande. Well, it is when you have a couple of their margaritas. This fiesta was followed by a long, thoughtful exchange of ideas (purely intellectual, of course...ahem, Paul...) about how one person might make another person disappear permanently, both in spectacular and in thoroughly clandestine fashion. Naturally, I now have some grand ideas for a horrific new short story. Some may call this deviant...okay, so they did call it deviant...but so be it; I shall happily cast all the blame upon Paul. This is not to say I will split any potential forthcoming profits with Paul.
This particular line of discussion served to fling upon me a craving for some Twin Peaks. Thus, for a spot of very late-night viewing, I put on Fire Walk With Me and (today) the Twin Peaks pilot episode. In its day, FWWM was pretty well blasted by critics and even the show's fans, but all these years later, I find the movie a work of under-appreciated genius, flawed though it undeniably is. Now and again, I feel compelled to re-visit both the movie and the series, as it serves to recharge the brain cells when they seriously need it, and apparently, now is the time.
Okay, so I've become a Harry Potter geek; never would have thought it, but once I was finally convinced to read the first book, I became hooked, and now I'm trying to get through as much of the series as possible — both books and movies — before The Deathly Hallows comes out next week. I'm most of the way through Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix (book 5), but in order to catch up, I expect I'm going to have to watch movie #6 and read the book afterward... which is not the way I prefer to go. One does what one must — especially when one labors under the watchful eyes of at least two seriously devoted Potter fans. Woe be unto me should I fail.
First-to-find on a new cache this evening...and now it's back to the fabled and very dark Plateau of Leng and its attendant war lords.
There's soon to be yet more news on the dark fiction front. Stay tuned.