Facebook Poster (male) in question:
"If they are raped, they can have the baby and give him or her for adoption."
Mark (who, at this age, has zero personal stock in the abortion issue — other than the critical issue of women's rights, and as a human being, that means I have stock in it):
It's so easy for a male — who can never step into a woman's shoes and know what carrying a baby means — to say, "Oh, you can just do this." As if it's like taking off your fucking shoes before you step into the house. Every pregnancy poses risk, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. What about fetal defects that will result in extreme risk to the mother — especially those such as anencephaly (about a 1 in 4,600 chance)? What about a woman who has physical conditions that might result in -her- death if the baby is carried to term? What about in-vitro fertilization, in which some fertilized eggs are most likely going to be eliminated? You're not even close to "pro-life" if the mother's life and health aren't tantamount. Yes, I know, the percentage of such severe risk is relatively low. But we're still talking about human lives. Because their numbers aren't overwhelming, do those women's lives not matter?
Now. There is a difference — generally unrecognized by the blind zealot — between being pro-choice and pro-abortion. I'm not arguing for "murdering babies." I'm absolutely opposed to abortion (after fetal viability) simply as a means of birth control; there are other, far better options — at least until the blind zealots take things to the next level; which they will because that is what blind zealots do. But I'll trust the decision of the poorest, most misguided woman any day and every day over the deaf, dumb, and blind enforcement of regulations over that woman's body. (And of course, it's a whole 'nuther issue, but turn the discussion around to weaponry, and suddenly regulations "NEVER FUCKING EVER work and it impacts ME ME ME!")
As far as I'm concerned, the rights of every human being already born far exceed the rights of a bunch of not-as-yet-sentient cells to exist. "Pro-life" is, for all practical purposes, a euphemism for "pro-birth, and fuck everything that comes afterward because it doesn't really affect "ME ME ME."
Well, it might, if you were forced to raise the child that otherwise would not exist.