Both night caches — “The Tripods” (GC690XE) and “The Witch’s Woods” (GC70RY0) — did need maintenance, more than I could perform with the supplies I had on hand, so I’ll be making another trip out there quite soon, preferably at night, which is the way to experience these caches anyway.
The Osprey Trail is one of my favorites in the area as it’s usually less
crowded than most (I saw only one other human being out there on today’s
venture), and it’s got some of the best views of the lake. Not far from the
Church St. trailhead, there’s an old chimney standing next to the trail, all
that’s left from some old homestead going back Yog knows how many years.
Once upon a time, there was a cache at the top of the chimney, courtesy of
friend Ranger Fox (a.k.a. Christopher), which required
particular tools of the trade or a very dexterous climber (if I remember
right, we fashioned a tool out of a long, forked tree branch). Sadly, that
cache is long gone; it was something of a local classic.
It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so it’s not likely I’ll be out there
to finish up maintenance until probably next week. Bummer, sort of.