Saturday, July 8, 2023

On Writing for $$$

A thread on the Horror Writers Association Facebook page prompted me to respond, so here are my thoughts on the subject in a nutshell, somewhat edited.

Would I write if I didn't get paid?

Sure, I'd write, but it wouldn't be the same. True professionals write passionately, with discipline, and have an eye toward publishing and making money (if not necessarily a living at it). Getting published and making money requires a dedicated drive that goes hand in hand with writing. There are plenty of good editors, agents, and publishers in the business who get the best out of writers because they are equally passionate about presenting the best they can find. Big houses, smaller but prestigious presses, indie publishers... there are so many avenues that writers can pursue without simply giving their work away or hiding it in a closet. Going through that process can work wonders on one's writing skills, determination, motivation, all that good stuff.

It's all about personal goals. You want to write all your demons out of your head, whether anyone ever sees it? That's a hobbyist, and that is absolutely fine; a lot of hobbyists reach a level of satisfaction and achievement that is enviable. But I'd wager that most of us who've made — and make money — in the business will crank out what we have to crank out to keep us unfucked in the head. I may be far from a household name, but I've been active as hell in this field for going on 40 years; for all this time, writing what unfucks my head, making some money with it, and knowing other people are going to read it (whether they like it or not is a whole nuther thing) is still an unbeatable treat — as is editing pro-paying books and presenting work by many of the best writers working today.

It's all about personal goals. That's the ticket.