Hard to feature that it's come round time again to make our annual pilgrimage to Mabry Mill, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Meadows of Dan, VA. Mrs Death couldn't make it this year, but I headed up with our good friends, the Albaneses, and the meaner half of the Workmans, our next-door neighbors. The usual routine: get up and going a couple of hours before dawn, hit the road, and start grabbing geocaches. We snagged quite a few on the way, navigated through some very dense fog, and got to the mill restaurant right at 8:00
AM, when they opened. We were first in line and were soon chowing down on some fantabulous buckwheat, sweet potato, and cornmeal pancakes and sausage. Unfortunately, the thick mist turned to a pretty good rain, so we got rather damp while wandering along the walking trail on the mill grounds. Regardless, we managed to grab another nearby cache, and then we stopped to get pumpkins, apples, and cider at our traditional produce stand, just north of Stuart. In Stuart, we paid a visit to the Honduras Coffee Company shop, where I opted for a cup of damn fine Jamaican coffee. And hot!
After we parted company with the Albaneses in Martinsville, Mr. Workman and I made a run down to Kernersville for a regular crapload of geocaches. Grabbed a bunch, stopped for some Mexican food, and finally headed home. Not to end it all there, I went to see
Paranormal Activity, which I enjoyed immensely. Apart from a few somewhat over-the-top moments that fell flat, it was one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. Akin in its approach to
The Blair Witch Project, it's many times more successful, with well-rendered camera-work and an effective, unsettling story. I loved it. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's bound to hold up as one of my favorite horror films. An excellent show for the Halloween season! Check it out...

Mr. Rodan and Mr. TravelinFarmFam