Monday, July 8, 2024

Ghost Ship

I had a hell of an adventure this morning at a new geocache called "Ghost Ship" at Smith Mountain Lake... though, sadly, I never found the cache. It's rated 4 out of 5 difficulty, so I knew it was gonna be a tough hunt.

The morning started out with a big ol' black bear running across the road in front of me. I guess I'm glad I didn't see it again after that, for it was not at all of meager girth.

Getting to where the cache is supposed to be hidden (the boat's ghostly interior) required some acrobatic feats, and I think it's safe to say I've rarely ever partied with so many — thankfully lethargic — wasps in such a confined space.

After over an hour of intense searching in there, the blazing sun began to turn the Ghost Ship into a Ghost Oven, and I finally vacated the premises before I became a Ghost Geocacher. I think I can count on one hand — maybe even one finger — the number of times have I emerged from a cache hunt so sweaty and filthy dirty.

Had I found this cache, I would have awarded it a favorite point for the exciting morning adventure, but since I didn't... I can't. Alas!

Next time...
I did find a couple of other caches up that way to make the trip worthwhile, and on the way home, I had lunch at The Checkered Pig, one of our local BBQ joints. It topped off what turned out to be a very fun outing, despite bombing out at my primary target.
A target-rich environment!
Glad I brought my flashlight.
Forward view

L: The reason it's called "Ghost Ship?" R: Hot, filthy-dirty, sweaty, half-dead old dude

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