Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Long, Deep River Day

Yesterday really was a long, long day. Ms. Brugger had a pre-ass-crack-of-dawn flight to Michigan, as her dad is having surgery, and she wants to be on hand to help out. Allison was here for the New Year's holiday, and I had a dentist appointment in Greensboro at 2:45 p.m., so we all got up at 3:30 a.m., hit the road at 4:15 a.m., and arrived at Piedmont Triad International Airport right at 5:00 a.m. We saw Ms. B. off, and then I headed after a couple of geocaches not far away, largely to kill some time until the nearby Carolina's Diner opened for breakfast at 6:00 a.m. We arrived at the diner just as they opened; enjoyed a delicious, cardiac-event-type breakfast, and then I took Allison home.

From there, I had several hours to kill before my dentist appointment. So, I booked it down to the Ramseur/Franklinville area, about 30 miles south of Greensboro, and hit the Deep River Trail, which I have hiked many a time over the past several years. There were several relatively new caches along the trail, so I spent several hours on the hunt, putting in almost seven miles before it was all said and done. The morning started out pretty fuckin' cold, but it did warm up a bit during the day. I ended up logging thirteen caches, which brings my total find count to 15,357.

I made it to my dentist appointment right on time, got some very clean teeth, and then hit the road back to Martinsville. Arrived home at 4:30 p.m.; had something for supper, I can't remember what; and decided to watch a movie before I crashed for the night. A short time back, I had found a pretty cool streaming channel on the Roku, the Essential SF Channel or something like that, and decided to check out The Beast of Hollow Mountain, which I hadn't seen since I was a teenager. I remember thinking back then that this was the most boring monster movie ever made, so I was curious if that ancient impression retained any merit.

The Beast of Hollow Mountain is, in fact, the most boring monster movie ever made.

I dunno what time I went to bed, but I crashed pretty damned hard. Ms. B. comes back next Friday, and it's a mid-evening flight.

If she's really, really sweet, she'll buy me dinner.
Haunted house up in the woods
The Deep River Trail meets US Hwy 64
Based on this and the "No Trespassing" signs, something tells me they don't want you to go this way.