Monday, December 14, 2009


Based on the recommendation of more than a couple of folks, I decided to check out The Vampire Diaries. I'd seen a couple of miscellaneous episodes and thought it was all right. CW is running a week-long marathon starting tonight, so I watched the first couple of episodes. Found it right entertaining — nice production values, pretty settings, pretty young people, some of whom leak a bit of blood. There are certain comparisons to Dark Shadows, given the background and temperament of some of the characters; we have a reluctant vampire, the inevitable modern-day heroine who resembles the vampire's long-lost love (oy). The story does provide an enjoyable version of the vampire mythos, making use of some of its most traditional tenets as well as discarding others — the vampire needs an invitation to enter the victim's home, casts a reflection in mirrors, can survive in daylight (though apparently through the use of an ornate ring). And it does have the distinctive "prime-time soap opera" feel that's a bit reminiscent of the 1991 Dark Shadows revival series.

All in all, a fun little vampire show. I'll probably enjoy checking it out further. It's gotta beat most of the other crap that CW advertises....


Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Damn you, Mark. I had made up my mind to avoid this like the plague. You're supposed to reinforce those decisions, not challenge me to step outside my comfort zone and explore the latest teenpire offering.

Stephen Mark Rainey said...

Just doing my duty. :)