Doing the usual guest thing at Stellarcon 34, coming up this weekend in High Point, NC, at the Best Western High Point Hotel. Not sure of my entire schedule yet, but I'll be participating in the following:
Choosing a Publisher (panel), Friday, 8:00 PM
Allen Wold's Writer's Workshop, Saturday, 10:00 AM—1:00 PM
Cthulhu Take the Wheel (panel), Saturday, 5:00 PM
Horror, Oh, Horror (panel), Sunday, 2:30 PM
May have a reading and book signing somewhere in there, but don't have the schedule as yet.
The past couple of days have been for hunting rigorous geocaches. Yesterday, got two first-to-finds, one with a major terrain challenge. Headed down into the basin near Lake Higgins, knowing that, after all our recent precipitation, it would be something of a marsh. Heh heh...yeah. The marsh part was tough enough, but crossing a couple of streams was a real challenge. Crossed fallen trees, lattices of brambles, and set a new personal record for the broad jump, but sometimes there's nothing for it but just to go wading.
I must have made quite the sight when I stopped off at the grocery store on the way home. I'm sure I left a trail of muddy footprints and brier-covered fines all through the store. Quel rigeur!