Much big bird was consumed and enjoyed today...and then at least partially walked off on a couple of long and invigorating hikes around Martinsville—one on the new Dick & Willie Rail Trail (yep) and then a long, late-night walk through the old neighborhood in the company of some Woodford Reserve. Thankfully for my peace of mind, I got in a spot of caching, and did some much-needed maintenance on a few of my own. Great day for it all; a bit gray, but on the whole, quite comfortable. Watched Goldfinger just for good measure. With a wonderful friend to share in the joy, it has been a relaxing and I think memorable Thanksgiving. Oh, yeah—made a killer punkin pie as well. Happy day.
Still have much left on my plate for the days ahead. A ways to go yet on my current short story, "The War Lords of Leng." Then some tweaking of my novel, The Monarchs, to send to an editor who has expressed an interest in it. And as most of you who visit here know, in January, I expect the divorce will be finalized. I spent a lot of years with Mrs Death, and there were many good ones. Some time ago, our respective lives diverged to the point that they could just never come back together. But I will always wish her the best.
I can certainly give thanks for the richness of life that I've known over the years, and that I can hope for in the days and years ahead. I hope those of you who come by here have much to be thankful for as well.
Still have much left on my plate for the days ahead. A ways to go yet on my current short story, "The War Lords of Leng." Then some tweaking of my novel, The Monarchs, to send to an editor who has expressed an interest in it. And as most of you who visit here know, in January, I expect the divorce will be finalized. I spent a lot of years with Mrs Death, and there were many good ones. Some time ago, our respective lives diverged to the point that they could just never come back together. But I will always wish her the best.
I can certainly give thanks for the richness of life that I've known over the years, and that I can hope for in the days and years ahead. I hope those of you who come by here have much to be thankful for as well.