Monday, April 14, 2008

Shellfish Behavior

A royalty check arrived from Wildside Books today. How handy, as Mrs. Death and I went out to a nice gathering of geocachers at J. Butler's bar & grill this evening. I killed off a passel of steamed oysters, sank a few Bass Ales, and logged a couple of caches. Also found a good-sized pearl in one of the oysters and lobbed it at Mrs. Death. It wasn't big enough to either do damage or particularly endear me to her, but I enjoyed it and would probably do it again.


David Niall Wilson said...

Hello. This post is despicable, and your blog is a yawn. :-( I will deRETE in my blogroll. If possible gives a crap there on MY blog, it is about WRITER BALDING, I hope you fling pearls. The address is ...

I LOVE these blog if ANYONE would actually add that silliness to their blogrool :)

Stephen Mark Rainey said...

I've a good mind to leave that up because your response is a hoot. ;)

David Niall Wilson said...

That's what I thought. We work with what we are given