Got a royalty check today for my story ("Bloodlight") in
Love in Vein II, a 1997 anthology edited by Poppy Z. Brite. Not a big check by any means, but a check nonetheless. Royalties have been coming in regularly for this book since its release, some of which have been rather sizable, making "Bloodlight" the short story for which I've earned the most money. In retrospect, it's only a fair tale; not one that's particularly representative of my work as a whole. But the antho is decent, and I'm damn glad to have had a piece of the action.
Here's to Poppy and vampiric erotica—a subgenre for which, at one time, I swore I would never write (mainly because I saw so much crap of that ilk submitted to
Deathrealm back in the day). I'm so glad I changed my mind.
But...I swear...I will
not write a zombie tale. Ever. Really.
Oh, crap. I just got an invitation to write a zombie tale.