Sunday, March 24, 2019

Making the Best of a Crisis

Brugger, Allison, and Old Dude around the firepit. There might have been some wine.
I received the sad news from my daughter on Friday that her mom had been hospitalized with what might be a life-threatening situation. She flew down on Friday, was met by her mom's best friend/housemate, and together they headed for the hospital. Allison spent most of the day there, as well as a fair portion of Saturday. I was in Martinsville for my customary looking-after-my-mom weekend; but on the way home, I swung by the hospital, picked Allison up, and brought her back to Casa de Rodan. I had originally plotted a grand Thai chicken dinner for Ms. B. and me, so I picked up a few extra ingredients, and we were all good to go for a feast. Brugger arrived for dinner, and we commenced to the feasting.
For Ms. B., the sparks are flying.

As the song from Godspell goes, "We all need help to feel fine — let's have some wine!" So, we availed ourselves to some of the stock from my shelves, and things did go as swimmingly as one might hope under the circumstances. Some levity prevailed as we went out to the back yard and built a fire in the firepit, as this is something of a tradition when the kidlet ventures home. Quite coincidentally, she was here in March 2016; March 2018; and now March 2019. She's of a mind at this point that just taking the time in March and popping down here is probably a good idea if only for tradition's sake.

She headed back to the hospital this morning, and it appears that Peg has been transferred out of CICU. I take that as a hopeful sign, and I certainly will hope for the very best.

For me, it was a day for fellowship with a bunch of Old Farts on the geocaching trail. It proved relaxing and successful.